Rebecca Jean-Carroll
Screenwriter and film enthusiast. Founder of FirstPageSuccess, a life-saving resource for aspiring screenwriters (Coming very Soon). Enamoured with wedding photographs, historic estates, anything Baroque and Colin Morgan.
8 Favourite (Colin Morgan enthused) Observations from “Gloria”
Yes. I have seen/will have seen Gloria eight whole times by the end of its current run at Hampstead Theatre. Geez, Becca, what do you want? A friggin’ medal? Shut up already.
Just before I do that though (hooray)… lets put this fangirl moment to rest, at last, with a bloody good list of good things…
These are my eight favourite (Colin Morgan related and enthused) observations so far (two shows to go, so CAUTION… there may have to be additions);
Trying not to give away too many spoilers and to those who’ve not read the play it might seem a little vague but it doesn’t matter… nobody’s reading this lol.
In no particular order;
1) This Charming Man - I have utterly convinced myself that Colin Morgan is a Smiths and Stone Roses fan, based on the fact they feature on “Dean’s” desk, right next to a poster for “Beetlejuice”. Coincidence, I think not. I suspected he might be a man of good taste and this pretty much confirms it.
2) Always the professional - One night, when I can only assume the entire cast were high on something because the energy was crazy, a slight mishap occurred. Colin/Dean was at the desk, he slammed it or something and the partition fell, he genuinely just shouted “Fuck”… keeping calm and moving on he made up some line and continued as usual. There was one tiny brief moment where I was pretty sure they were all going to crack up laughing but not Colin. No way. He was still Dean. Still pissed off and trying to do some work. Love it.
3) “I always liked your Twitter” rant - The first two times I saw “Gloria” were before press night and I must confess I much preferred the Twitter rant from those versions. After press night the “tweet tweet tweet” and repeat rant was a little more playful and relaxed even. Or at least, from what I saw after press night. Before press night there was a slight echo of the Dean that was to come with the Twitter rant. It was slightly more unhinged, for one he was standing and would follow Kendra, invading the old personal space ploy.
I seem to recall the second time he absolutely belted the last “Tweet” and that, for me, was a very effective warning that something angrier is lurking inside of Dean that was going to reach a particularly intense conclusion later on.
4) I see what you did there - This one is more retrospective because I didn’t quite realise it at the time. I was in the front row and next to me some fool decided to get her phone out to take a photograph or two. I’m thinking should I just punch her in the face and get this over with? (I’m not really that aggressive but it was bloody annoying). I didn’t need to do anything though because Colin had it under control. Like a boss. It was this scene, as pictured above, not by her I should point out.
She raised the phone, got him into shot and guess who did something he’s never done before or since? Colin turned and walked back towards his desk, ruining her shot, only to turn back and stand there by Ani’s desk again. At this point she’s given up because she can’t predict his movements and it’s hilarious. I’ve not seen him do that before or since so, as I realised a bit later, he did that on purpose. It gives me great pleasure to announce the winner of Colin Morgan vs Disrespectful photo taker… is… Colin Morgan!
5) American Psycho - The first time I watched “Gloria” I was convinced Colin Morgan sounded exactly like Christian Bale in (that excellent film) American Psycho. Since then it’s bordering more Jesse Eisenberg and someone else whom I can’t quite figure out. One day it’ll come to me. On this note, can I just point out for a man with a thick accent of his own, I think it’s incredible that not even ONCE has his accent slipped. Not even for a second have I heard Colin… it’s just been Dean and Devin the whole time.
6) Calling China - I think the first joke in the play that convinced me I was bloody in love with it was Dean’s “Calling China” line. A line that actually I’ve heard delivered differently and after reading the play… is somewhat different. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Dean say several times “You called China FOR something” and on a few other times I’ve heard “You called China OR something”. The latter is how it’s written in the play text. Personally I think “FOR” works better, it suits Dean to assume Kendra’s definitely on the phone to China rather than allow room for interpretation with the “OR” something. Only a writer would deliberate for twenty solid minutes about the differences of one word of dialogue.
7) Be cool Becca… okay fine… just be a twat then - The first Saturday night of the run me and my friend were enjoying a drink outside the theatre when the man himself randomly turned the corner. There he was, totally hiding underneath a hat, he had “please don’t recognise me” written all over his face. So I let him walk by but rather shamefully couldn’t do that without watching his every step as he walked by. In retrospect that was properly uncool and though he probably couldn’t care less if he was here, I’d say… I’m sorry Colin, I didn’t mean to be uncool and it’s nice that you didn’t stop to say “Yo bitch, you wanna stop staring at me? I’m not on the stage right now!”
8) That’s gonna leave a mark - I’m going to finish with the general observation that I’m stunned Colin has not sustained a serious injury from this play. I’d tell him break a leg but he might do that. There’s the obvious moment of potential injuries during the climatic events of the end of the first half. Where I’ve seen Colin smash into the partition and fall onto the floor right on his back. If it didn’t hurt him it certainly hurt me just watching. Not just this moment though. A few times, right at the very beginning, I’ve seen Colin crash into the desk, the chair base and the pedestal. And yet, the only time the set really defeated him was the time he randomly cut his finger. It’s all that paper everywhere… deadly.
I suspect they had to up their insurance after that.
Until the next time Mr Colin Morgan… thanks for the lols, the tears and the feels. Not literal feels, that would be slightly misleading. I meant feelings, as in emotions yeah. Just clarifying.
So hooray, you thought it would never end but here it is, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The End.